Module 12 (Week 4) Vocabulary 1.) Morphemic Analysis - "the process of analyzing or breaking down a word in terms of its meaning units or morphemes" ( Words Their Ways ) Morphemic analyis helps students learn differnt technigues when it comes to identifying the new words meaning. 2.) Etymology - "the study of the origin and historical development of words" ( Words Their Ways ) Etymology helps students gain a better understanding of where words come from and what they have developed in to. This helps students gain a better understanding of the meaning of the word. 3.) Stem - "a base or word rood together with any derivation affixes that have been added, and to which inflectional endings may be added" ( Words Their Ways ) Stem is a very important word to teach studnets when it comes to literacy because these are typically the words students already know and are familiar with. 4.) Free Morpheme - "meaning units...