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Module 3 Vocabulary Terms

Module 3 (Week 1) Vocabulary 

 Hello Everyone! My name is Katlyn Edenfield and I am currently a senior as a k-12 Intervention Specialist Major. I am very excited to start methods and student teaching in the fall. Within this summer, I just have to finish up with this course and educational psych and then I will be all set for fall. During Phonics this semester, I am really hoping to learn more in depth concepts of how students learn and understand words, what I can do as an IS major to help them and also any helpful tips for the OAE, as well.



1.) Alphabetic Principle

 - "the concept that letters and letter combinations are used to represent phonemes in orthography."  (Words Their Way)
The Alphabetic principle is important to literacy learning because it helps students gain a better understanding of the relationship between written and spoken language which effects a students ability to read and write.

2.) Explicit Phonics Instruction

- "sound/spelling correspondences are inferred from reading whole words and introduced as students encounter them in text." (

Explicit Phonics Instruction is important for literacy learning because having students gain letter to sound knowledge and then being able to associate the word with a visual picture, creates the building blocks of understanding phonics.

3.) Context Clues

 - "hints that an author gives to help define a difficult or unusual word within a book." (
Context clues are important to teach during learning literacy because once a student gets stuck on identifying a word, then they are able to use the given clues to help them gain a better understanding of the new word.

4.) Decoding 

- "to extract meaning from" (

 Gaining and using decoding skills helps students gain reading fluency and increase vocabulary words during literacy.



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